Airbnb survey: Black, Hispanic remote workers take advantage of moving to different locations during pandemic

Airbnb survey: Black, Hispanic remote workers take advantage of moving to different locations during pandemic

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A recent Airbnb survey found that black and Hispanic professionals who work remotely have seized the opportunity to live and work in different states and cities during the pandemic. | Unsplash/


A recent Airbnb survey found that black and Hispanic professionals who work remotely have seized the opportunity to live and work in different states and cities during the pandemic.

Airbnb conducted a survey of a representative sample of American adults in the workforce in February 2022, according to an Airbnb press release. The survey found that more than 70% of black and Hispanic remote professionals are "blurring the lines between life and travel." Seventy-two percent of black professionals and 70% of Hispanic professionals who work remotely have lived in at least one different place since the onset of the pandemic. The top reasons black and Hispanic professionals provided for wanting to find a nice place to live were "finding inspiring locations" and "connecting with new people." The survey found that black and Hispanic professionals tend to choose beach towns or major cities for relocation.

Travel bloggers Jessica E. Boyd and Steven M. Hughes of @JourneyBlackHome have compiled a list of over 200 black-owned Airbnb listings in the U.S. to encourage other black travelers to take advantage of remote work possibilities.

“We want black travelers to feel safe and ‘at home’ when they move about this world," Boyd and Hughes said, according to the release. "Our mission is to inspire our community to travel more domestically, explore more locally and reimagine what’s possible in their daily lives."

Similar to @JourneyBlackHome, the @LatinxTravelClub produces digital content to inform its audience of travel hot spots and meet ups. The platform was started with the goal of helping U.S. Hispanic Americans reconnect with their roots, according to Airbnb.

“Over the past two years, we’ve seen the Latinx/Latino community travel more frequently, strategically and economically," Founder of Latinx Travel Club Michael Watson said, according to the release. "They are active, entrepreneurial and believe in sustainability. We’ve also seen them traveling to reconnect with their heritage, to see family and friends, while conscious of integrating within the global community."

The release states that black and Hispanic communities place diversity and culture, history and luxury living and shopping at a higher value when selecting a new place to live and work from.



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