Avibra and Gridwise offer affordable access to benefits for gig drivers: drivers have been 'stuck in limbo'

Avibra and Gridwise offer affordable access to benefits for gig drivers: drivers have been 'stuck in limbo'

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Gig drivers throughout the US will have access to affordable wellness benefits as the result of a partnership between Iselin, New Jersey-based company Avibra and Gridwise.

"Rideshare and delivery drivers are a large and growing segment of today's worker class who've been stuck in limbo when it comes to having access to affordable benefits as policies are slow to adjust to the way many people work today," Yogesh Shetty, CEO, Avibra, said in a press release. "Gridwise is doing amazing work to help gig drivers through its service and as an advocate for greater transparency for fair pay in the industry. We're proud to partner with them to provide affordable access to benefits for their users and further our mission of helping more Americans get the options they need to be healthy, happy and have greater peace of mind."

Founded in 2019 Avibra has been offering affordable and accessible financial, insurance and wellness benefits. Gridwise's mobile app which was launched in 2017, using real-time data, provides an opportunity for app-based drivers to maximize earnings across platforms.

Avibra members will now have an a-la-carte option in benefit choices to Gridwise users of more than 300,000 app-based drivers.

Experts believe that the partnership may pave the way for the future as more than half of the population of the US is expected to participate in gig work by 2027.



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