Uber drivers applaud the flexibility of gig economy jobs: 'We work when we can'

Uber drivers applaud the flexibility of gig economy jobs: 'We work when we can'

Uber Car | File Photo


Driving for Uber works for a lot of the people who choose to drive because it is convenient. 

Uber drivers can set their schedules, work around their homes, lives and responsibilities, and work is always available as needed.

"Allows my schedule to come first as the gig is always available," Alex Nachman, an Uber driver from Seattle, said.

The flexibility of schedule and environment of the gig economy also presents an advantage to another Seattle driver.

"I’m a single dad with three kids at home and they all have special needs,” Uber driver Jon Montgomery said. "I can’t be too far from home or too long from being able to go home when the need arises. I also need to transport them to and from three different schools. The only way I can work and make money to pay the bills right now is to work when I can and be present as their dad as much as possible."

Of 6,000 U.S. workers who were respondents in a survey, "Freelancing in America 2019", 79% of full-time and 76% of part-time freelance workers joined the flexible workforce environment due to having a flexible schedule in working what days and hours of their choosing.

In a previous survey commissioned by Upwork and the Freelancers Union, conducted in June 2018 and July 2018 by Edelman Intelligence, the "Freelancing in America 2018," 84% of full-time freelancers say their work lets them live the lifestyle they want, compared to 63% of full-time traditional workers, Forbes reported. Another 42% said they would not be able to work a traditional job due to life circumstances.

A December 2018 Marketplace-Edison Research Poll, "The Gig Economy", surveyed 1,044 gig workers and found that 44% of freelancers work in the gig economy as their primary source of income, and 53% of gig workers between the ages of 18-34 used gig economy work as the primary source of income.



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