Man after freelancing through TaskRabbit: 'I had never ever seen that type of money ever, nor could I believe it was really happening'

Man after freelancing through TaskRabbit: 'I had never ever seen that type of money ever, nor could I believe it was really happening'

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Approximately 39% of the US workforce, up from 36% in 2021, worked full-time or part-time as freelancers. | RODNAE Productions/Pexels


A 33-year-old Bronx resident earned $100,000 last year by helping people move through the online labor marketplace TaskRabbit.

Insider reports that Alexander Samuel was living paycheck to paycheck in 2020. But, after joining TaskRabbit, an online platform that matches freelance workers with people who need help with everyday tasks, he earned almost $100,000 in two years working between 10 to 30 hours a week.

"I was making enough — and more — to pay my bills and save over $10,000," Samuel told Insider. "I had never ever seen that type of money ever, nor could I believe it was really happening." 

Freelance platforms, such as Poshmark, Fiverr and TaskRabbit, are growing in popularity among Americans seeking financial security. An Upwork survey indicates that about 39% of the U.S. workforce worked full time or part time as freelancers in 2022, up 36% since 2021. Freelance work is even more popular with younger generations, with millennials and Gen Zers, reporting 46% and 43% respectively.

Upwork survey reports 83% of freelancers took up this alternative style of work to earn extra income, which is likely to make up for insufficient wages through traditional employment due to inflation outpacing wage growth. 

Samuel told Insider that he was charging about $30 an hour for moving and heavy-lifting tasks, but has steadily increased his rates to $55 to $150, depending on the job. 

TaskRabbit charges users a $25 registration fee, but users keep 100% of their earnings and tips. The company makes money by charging clients a service fee separate from the users' hourly rate.



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