Airbnb announces surge in local travel

Airbnb announces surge in local travel

Webp chesky
Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb | Airbnb


Airbnb announced that local travel is growing, with nights stayed by guests within 300 miles of home nearly doubling in the past five years. For end-of-summer holidays like Labor Day, over half of Airbnb stays in the US in 2023 were within driving distance.

According to Airbnb, guests have increasingly opted for stays close to their homes, with such local trips nearly doubling. While international travel has returned to pre-pandemic levels, local travel on Airbnb is growing at twice the rate of long-distance travel. This trend supports local hosts, tourism, and economies, with Airbnb guests spending an average of $210 per day on attractions and local businesses, contributing approximately $80 billion in visitor spending across the US in 2023.

The 2023 Labor Day weekend data supports the popularity of local stays, with more than 50% of Airbnb guests in the US choosing accommodations within a short drive from home. Larger states like California, Florida, and Texas, as well as states known for their outdoor appeal such as Oregon, Alaska, and North Carolina, saw high rates of local travel.

In the first half of 2024, several US states showed high rates of in-state travel among Airbnb guests. California and Florida led with over 60% of stays within their states, while Texas had over 50%. Arizona, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado, and North Carolina each recorded 40% in-state travel. Washington and Utah had 30% of stays from local travelers.

Founded in 2013, DoorDash is a tech company linking consumers with local businesses across more than 25 nations globally. It provides solutions to bolster business expansion and customer engagement. Primarily concentrating on local commerce infrastructure, DoorDash supports merchants in adjusting to the convenience-driven market. It also serves as a source of employment for job seekers and broadens consumers' access to community amenities.



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