Having a lawn can be rewarding, but maintaining it often involves significant effort and environmental impact. However, by adopting eco-friendly practices, homeowners can reduce costs and minimize harm to the environment.
The first method is to choose electric over gas-powered equipment. "You can now buy lawnmowers and weed-eaters that are completely electric," the press release states. While these devices still produce emissions, their environmental impact is less than gasoline-powered alternatives. Electric equipment also offers benefits such as quiet operation and no local emissions.
For those with larger lawns, battery-powered tools are recommended. Many landscapers prefer battery-powered hedge trimmers for smaller areas due to their efficiency.
Water conservation is another important aspect of sustainable lawn care. Instead of using tap water, homeowners are encouraged to install rain barrels to collect rainwater for irrigation purposes. "Rain barrels will allow you to collect rainwater from your eaves," the release explains, emphasizing that this method is both free and compliant with local water regulations.
Composting is suggested as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. Composting reduces organic waste in landfills and enriches the soil with beneficial microbes. "Best of all, compost won’t cost you a dime!" the release notes.
Finally, installing a vegetable garden can benefit both the environment and personal finances by reducing grass maintenance needs while providing fresh produce. Some gardeners even manage to offset household expenses through their harvests.
These methods—using electric equipment, conserving water through rain barrels, composting instead of using fertilizers, and planting vegetable gardens—offer practical ways for individuals to maintain their lawns sustainably while saving money.