Up to 75% of digital workers are looking to change jobs within two to three years

The flexibility to work from home at least one day a week is still prized by the majority of digital workers, according to a study by The Network and Boston Consulting Group. | Pixabay


Sponsored content —The report, "Decoding the Digital Talent Challenge", showed that as many as 40% of employees working in digital fields are actively looking for new employment, and nearly 75% are expecting to leave their current position in the near future. 

New challenges, better career opportunities, being undervalued in their current role, and work-life balance are all factors that led to their job hunt.

"Developing a comprehensive strategy for digital talent is a must for all employers," Pierre Antebi, a co-managing director of The Network and a co-author of the report, said. "Enhancing recruitment and retention is an important part of this, ranging from adapting corporate models to offer good balance and flexibility to expanding options for remote international work and reflecting social and environmental values in their employee proposition. Creating an ecosystem of contractors, gig workers and agencies is an additional valuable tool for sourcing talent in this highly competitive market." 

The report was compiled by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Network based on a survey of nearly 10,000 employees globally.

Of those surveyed, 63% said they are looking to advance their career and 49% said they were looking for new challenges. While having a good work-life balance continues to be an important aspect, financial compensation rose from fifth to third place as compared to the last survey conducted in 2018.

Flexibility with the ability to work remotely from home at least one day a week was favored by 95% of respondents, and 75% preferred to work fully or partially flexible hours.



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