Gallup poll: 'Independent gig workers experience high levels of work-life balance'

Gallup poll: 'Independent gig workers experience high levels of work-life balance'

Driver Stories
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Driving for gig economy companies, like Uber, allows drivers to pick the days and times of day they want to work. | Unsplash/Tingey Injury Law Firm


Driving for gig economy companies, like Uber, allows drivers to pick the days and times of day they want to work. 

Drivers are able to have the flexibility to choose their schedule without having to meet hourly requirements per week or have a boss tell them when they have to be on the clock.

"What I do is I work full time for the government," Camille Mauro, part-time Uber driver said. "So I do it like after maybe around like four or five o'clock if I'm working overtime, I do it after six o'clock. And I also work on the weekends."

The freedom of whether or not to work on supposed rest days is also there and doesn't feel like you need to drag yourself out of the bed to earn extra. 

"Well, during the week, I'll try to like maybe 9:30, 10 o'clock, and on the weekends I'll try like Friday and Saturday, I'll drive until maybe 11:00 or 11:30," Mauro said.

In the "Freelancing in America: 2019" survey of 6,000 U.S. workers, 79% of full-time and 73% of part-time freelance workers joined the flexible workforce environment due to having a flexible schedule in working what days and hours of their choosing. 

Forbes reports that 84% of full-time freelancers say their jobs allow them to live the lifestyle they want, compared to 63% of full-time traditional workers. Another 42% said they would not be able to work a traditional job due to life circumstances.

"Over 70% of Gen Z are shunning traditional career paths to embrace the 'flexible economy,' where workers set their hours, scope and fee," according to Airtasker.

Airtasker's survey also found that when making career choices, 33% are influenced by monetizing skills or hobbies and 52% are influenced by flexibility with 36% responding wanting to have the freedom to work from anywhere.

"Independent gig workers (such as online platform workers and independent contractors) experience high levels of work-life balance, flexibility, autonomy, meaningful feedback and creative freedom. In fact, they score much higher on all these factors compared with traditional workers and other types of gig workers," the 2018 Gallup poll stated.



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