Airbnb announces $200k investment in housing reform and host accessibility

Airbnb announces $200k investment in housing reform and host accessibility

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Jay Carney, global head of police of and communications at Airbnb. | Airbnb


Airbnb announced a $200,000 contribution to Up for Growth and YIMBY Action to bolster their grassroots housing reform efforts. This investment also supports initiatives to make hosting on Airbnb more accessible.

According to a press release by Airbnb, the $200,000 contribution will support Up for Growth in creating and mobilizing diverse coalitions for pro-housing policies and will enable YIMBY Action to hire a grassroots organizer to advocate for housing supply reforms in key states. This initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance housing accessibility and affordability.

"Many housing experts agree the only way out of our current housing crisis is to build the millions of additional housing units needed to backfill years of pent-up demand. Up for Growth and YIMBY Action are working in communities across the country to make it easier to get homes built," said Jay Carney, global head of policy and communications at Airbnb.

Additionally, Airbnb has invested $100 million in affordable housing through its Community Impact Investment program, expanding from an initial $25 million to include funding for affordable homeownership and support for low-to-moderate income families in several major US cities. The company is also focusing on making hosting more accessible with initiatives like Airbnb-Friendly Apartments and Airbnb Rooms, aimed at helping renters and everyday hosts create extra income and achieve homeownership goals.

Founded in 2007, Airbnb boasts over 5 million Hosts who have welcomed over 1.5 billion guest arrivals across nearly every country globally. Hosts offer stays and experiences to foster connections between guests and communities worldwide. As of Dec. 31, 2023, Airbnb has had over 7.7 million active listings in 100,000 cities and towns across 220 countries and regions.



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