Airbnb announces new smart lock integrations

Airbnb announces new smart lock integrations

Webp chesky
Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb | Airbnb


Airbnb announced that smart lock integrations with August and Yale are now available alongside Schlage. Hosts in the US and Canada can now connect compatible Schlage, August, and Yale smart locks to their Airbnb accounts.

According to a press release by Airbnb, over the past year, the company has been testing and implementing a new smart lock integration. During the Early Access phase, guests reported a high satisfaction rate with an average check-in rating of 4.96. This feature streamlines the check-in process by generating unique door codes for guests, which are sent along with trip details. The codes are active only for the stay's duration and are automatically deactivated after checkout. Adjustments to the reservation, such as early check-ins or late checkouts, automatically update the code.

Hosts are notified via the Airbnb app when guests check in and receive alerts if the lock needs attention, such as being offline or having a low battery. According to Airbnb's press release, hosts can enable this integration through the Airbnb app’s Listing tab, and guests will see smart lock entry mentioned in the host’s listing description.

The Airbnb smart lock integration allows hosts to manage access codes through the Airbnb app. These codes are valid only for the stay's duration, with a 30-minute grace period after checkout. Hosts can monitor and adjust codes as needed, and backup codes are issued if the lock encounters issues. To use the system, hosts need a compatible smart lock and account.

Founded in 2013, DoorDash is a tech company linking consumers with local businesses across more than 25 nations globally. It provides solutions to bolster business expansion and customer engagement. Primarily concentrating on local commerce infrastructure, DoorDash supports merchants in adjusting to the convenience-driven market. It also serves as a source of employment for job seekers and broadens consumers' access to community amenities.



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