News from August 2024

Silicon Valley Leadership Group spokesperson: ‘pleased to see the California Supreme Court uphold Proposition 22’

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) told Flexible Work News in a July 30 statement that the organization supports the California Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Proposition (Prop) 22, citing surveys indicating gig workers' support for the measure.

California Supreme Court upholds Proposition 22

Moments ago, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 22, affirming the will of nearly 10 million Californians who voted to deliver benefits and protections to drivers while preserving their independence. Whether drivers or couriers choose to work a few hours a week or more, their freedom to determine their schedules is now firmly established in California law, ending attempts to mandate an employment model they largely reject.

Amazon employees can take advantage of 8 benefits and perks

Amazon employees can take advantage of exclusive benefits and access to earned cash before payday, the company revealed in a January 8 blog post.

Amazon Robotics VP: 'Injury rates across our network have declined' due to $550 million investment into 'safety-related projects'

Scott Dresser, Vice President of Amazon Robotics, stated that the e-commerce giant is investing $550 million into safety initiatives, including new robotics technologies, which has resulted in a declining injury rate for their workers. Dresser made the statement in a blog post for About Amazon.

Uber on CA Supreme Court decision: 'Prop 22 is making a real difference in people's lives'

Ride-share and delivery companies are applauding the July 25 California Supreme Court decision backing Prop 22 as a win for not only gig drivers but democracy.